Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012
I would die
I asked you if I was pretty, you said no.
I asked you if I was fat, you said yes of course.
I asked you if you wanted to be with me forever, you said no.
I asked you if you would cry if I walked away, you said no.
I had heard too much, and need to leave and
as I walked away..
You grabbed my arm and told me to stay.
You said…
Your not pretty, your beautiful.
The only thing fat, or big, about you is your heart.
I don’t want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever.
And, baby, I wouldn’t cry if you walked away…
I would die.

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Someday, my love, I won't be there
Someday you’ll love me
Someday you’ll care
Someday you’ll treasure the moments we share
Someday you’ll hear a poem or song
and realize you were so wrong
Someday you’ll want me
Someday you’ll care
Someday, my Love
I won’t be there

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Feel with the heart
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.

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The only one fighting
Relationships are worth fighting for.
But sometimes, you can’t be the only one fighting.

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I will say
I will say:"I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now and live in it forever!"

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It's like saying I love you
They are saying that they love you a lot, in a very unique and cute way.
If you think about it, there is a great distance from earth to the moon.
In short, they are saying that their love for you is huge, just like the distance to the moon and back.
It’s like saying I love you forever and ever

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I had given you everything
I can just fade away, and it might take him a while to notice.
“I have given you everything but you said love is not enough, love is not enough…”

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Worth the Fight
You can’t have a relationship without any fights, but you can make your relationship worth the fight

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You'll only hurt yourself
Bad things are always going to happen in life.
People will hurt you.
But you can’t use that as an excuse to fail or to hurt someone back.
You’ll only hurt yourself

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When you look at me
When you look at me and smile it’s like for a split second everything stops and your smile pierces through all of the bad in my life and all is well again.

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Remember to say "I love you"
Remember, to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember, to say, “I love you” to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it.
A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

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Magic & Tragic
You Built Up A World Of Magic
Because Your Real Life Is Tragic

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I miss you a little
I miss you a little,
I guess you could say,
a little too much,
a little too often,
and a little more each day.

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We don't know why
Sometimes we are broken and we don’t know why

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Together Forever
But in the end, we can’t stay together forever

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Never let me go
Memories, even your most precious ones, fade surprisingly quickly. But I don’t go along with that. The memories I value most, I don’t ever see them fading - Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go

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The woman who follows
“The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.” ― Albert Einstein

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Always hurt the one you love
You always hurt the one you love
The one you shouldn't hurt at all
You alway take the sweetest rose
And crush it til the pentals fall
You alway break the kindest heart
With a hasty word you can't recall
So if I broke your heart last night
It's because I love you most of all

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The easy are never good
The good are never easy, The easy never good, And love it never happens, Like you think it really should.

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You've broken my heart
You’ve broken my heart and now you leave me
Love of my life can’t you see
Bring it back, bring it back
Don’t take it away from me, because you don’t know
What it means to me

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Being Alone Without Being Lonely
It may sometimes be good to be alone, but it is rarely good to be lonely.

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Turn back time
If I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone
I swear that I would
I would make it up to you

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My Universe
My Universe Will Never Be The Same.
I’m Glad You Came.

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Never met
What if we never met?

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Love is like energy
Love is like energy.
It can never be created nor destroyed.
It is just always there.
You just have to realize that fact and you have to learn that as soon as you stopped loving him in the way you did that love left to somewhere else.
Now all you have to do is find out where that love went.
That love went to whoever the next person in your life will be.
That next person could be one of your friends or someone you might dislike, you just have to find that out - Ian Philpot

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I even bother trying
Everything seems so pointless.
Sometimes I just sit there and cry.
Wondering why I even bother trying.

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than Bullets
Memories are worse than bullets

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Can't Get You Out Of My Head

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You’re unpredictable, but I still love you.

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Drawing hearts around your name
Every since I met you it hasn't be the same.
All you've got me doing is drawing hearts around your name.

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I love someone I can't have
Hey Leute!

47 Abonnenten!!!!!!! :O DANKEDANKEDANKE! ;***** <3 Ihr seit die Allerallerallerbesten! :D ♥♥♥ <3
In der ersten Stunde haben wir die Lektüre gelesen. Ich hab die gestern schon fertig gelesen. :P Nicht so meins ;)
In Sozi mussten wir uns unserem Banknachbarn gegen überstellen (in meinem Fall Naomi) und den anschreien und die anderen mussten beobachten, wie wir uns bewegen und so. :D Haha, das hat voll Spaß gemacht, ich hab mir Chrissis Gesicht vorgestellt, da ging das voll gut. :P
Ich:"*kreisch* %&§$%!"
Naomi:"Oha, so kenn ich dich ja gar nicht!" :D
Pause war chillig. :D
Ich bin mit Annalena runter zum Pausenverkauf gegangen, dann kommen Lene und alle und fragen, ob alles wieder gut ist, wegen Alessia. Die dachten, dass sie wegen mir geheult hat, gestern. Also, um nochmal klarzustellen: Die andere Sabrina, nicht ich. :D
Alessia hat mir erzählt, was passiert ist, eigl. darf sie's nicht sagen und sie ist auch nicht in Detail gegangen. Ich weiß nur, dass sie sich mit Sabrina (die andere :D) gestritten hat und seit dem ignoriert Sabrina sie.
Französisch war voll geil. :D
Elias hat sich mit Lauras Handcreme eingecremt und er die ganze Zeit so:"Wow, ich das geil! Alta, wie weich meine Hände sind." Und dann hat er noch jedem die Hand gegeben. :D Haha und er hat Lauras Creme eingesteckt, die blickt das sowieso nicht. :P
In Geschichte haben wir 'ne Ex geschrieben. Ich hab nicht gelernt, mir aber davor 'n Spicker geschrieben. Er hätte mich einmal fast erwischt und ich dachte schon, das war's, aber entweder hat er's nicht gesehen oder er wollte es nicht sehen. Ist mir egal, das ist sowieso ein Arsch. :P :D
Reli war auch voll lustig. :D
Sonst war eigl. nichts mehr los. ;)
Doch halt.
Nikki ist schon 'ne Zeit lang krank und i.wie kommt der Direx jeden Tag zu uns in die Klasse und fragt nach ihm. Ich will wissen, was er angestellt hat. :D
Nico:"Weißt du was mit Nikki los ist?"
Ich:"Nee, warum?"
Nico:"Ihr versteht euch doch so gut."
Ich:"Passt schon."
Nico:"Du hast so einen guten Draht zu ihm.."
Hab ich gar nicht. Was labert der da? XD
Das war's für heute. ;* <3 ♥

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I’m tired of fighting
I’m tired of fighting, I want to be fought for.
I’m tired of caring, I want to be cared for.
I’m tired of being just me, I wanna be yours.

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Our love
If they try to take you away from me, I’ll fight for you.
Cause I never want to lose someone I love.
I am not afraid and I will fight for our love.

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Dream of being with you
When I dream of being with you sometimes I don't want to wake up.

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To love is to suffer
To love is to suffer.
To avoid suffering one must not love.
But then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer.
To be happy is to love.
To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy.
Therefore, to be happy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness - Woody Allen

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to make you smile
I’m only being cute here.
I don’t really mean it.
I just wanted to make you smile

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What do you want
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I never want to be alone.

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Reality of Fear
Reality of Fear

You're not scared of the dark.
You're scared of what's in it.
You're not afraid of heights.
You're afraid of falling.
You're not afraid of the people around you.
You're just afraid of rejection.
You're not afraid to love.
You're just afraid of not being loved back.
You're not afraid to let go.
You're just afraid to accept the reality that he's gone.
You're not afraid to try again.
You're just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.

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Not my life
You know my name.
Not my story.
You know my story.
Not my life.

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Have a nice life
Have a nice life.
I'm done trying to be in it.

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loved in return
I've given up on so many things, please don't ask me to give up on you.
One day you'll come to me and ask me what's more important: You or my life. I'll say my life and you'll walk away never knowing that you're my life.
It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel.
They say you fall in love only once, but everytime I look at you, I fall in love all over again

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Thought would never hurt
Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the single person you thought would never hurt you.

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To change the world
Use your smile to change the world.
Don't let the world change your smile.

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The Simplest of Words
Even the simplest of words can cahnge a person's life.

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Hope like Hell
And sometimes you just have to jump off an bridge and hope like hell that you learn to fly on your way down.

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One deep Dark Secret
Every girl has one deep dark secret she can't even tell her best friend, because if anyone else found out her entire life would change.

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