Freitag, 11. Mai 2012
Big enough so you can't hurt me

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I loved you more than what you deserve
Hey ihr Lieben!

Omg, es ist so heiß, ich sterb fast. :D XD
In den ersten zwei Stunden hatten wir Sport, eigl. hätten wir Ausdauerlauf gemacht, aber die anderen wollten sprinten und der Rest hat dann gar keinen Sport gemacht. :D
In der Pause hat Toni mit Kilian geredet. Es ist nicht Schluss, er meinte nur, er braucht 'ne Pause, weil er erst mal sich selbst und der Schule ferrtigwerden muss und so was. Toni hat das gar nicht richtig verletzt. Aber ich glaub, sie hat's überspielt.
Annalena hatte Naomis und Nathalies Ratte darbei. In ihrem Federmäppchen. Soo geil man! :D Im Internat darf man keine Tiere haben, Nathalie und Naomi haben sich aber 'ne Ratte zusammen gekauft und die verstecken sie in einem Käfig im Kleiderschrank. :D 'N Kumpel von denen hatte die Ratte über Nacht bei sich und hat sie erst heute morgen zurückgebracht und dann konnten sie sie nicht mehr in den Käfig tun, also musste die Ratte mit in die Schule. :D Ein paar Mädchen aus meiner Klasse haben die gesehen und gleich losgekreischt. Voll hysterisch. :D Die Ratte hat voll rote Augen, das macht mir Angst. XD
An der Bushaltestelle hab ich mit Nikki, Nico und Collin so geredet und dann meinte Nico so, dass ich gar nicht über Mädchensachen rede. (Ich hab halt über das Bayernspiel am Wochenende und die geilen Autos, die vorbeigefahren sind geredet). :D Ich kann auch über Mädchensachen reden. XD
Am Wochenende muss ich Sozi lernen, wir schreiben 'ne Schulaufgabe.
Schönes Wochenende ;*<3 ♥

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With your voice like nails

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The most of it
Boy:"What should I do?"
Girl:"Just follow your heart."
Boy:"And what do you think my heart says?"
Girl:"I don't know, I'm not your heart."
Boy:"But you're the most of it."

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Your last name
Boy:"You're perfect!"
Girl:"I'm sure if you could you'd want to change something about me."
Boy:"You're right!"
Girl:"And what is it?"
Boy:"Your last name!"

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You and I are one
Boy:"Hey! I’ve got two words to say."
Boy:"I LOVE U!"
Girl:"Isn’t that three words?"
Boy:"No! Because you and I are one!"

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I was afraid to talk to you
Boy:"When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you, When I first talked to you I was afraid to like you, When I first liked you I was afraid to love you, Now that I love you I m afraid to lose you!"

Girl:"No there is nothing more to you fear. For I will be always be with you, I will give you Happiness for you to Forget the fears in your heart."

Boy:"Will you really do that for me?"

Girl:"Yeah! Why?"

Boy:"Because you are my only Happiness!"

Girl:"I love you"

Boy(kisses her):"I Love you too!"

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Promise me
Girl:"Promise me you won’t love another girl!"
Boy:"I Can’t.."
Girl:"Why, is there another girl?"
Boy:"She’s short, looks just like you and someday she will call you mommy!" ♥

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Will you be my rain?
Boy:"Will you be my rain?"
Boy:"Because I Will Be your Earth."
Girl:"What’s is the connection between the two?"
Boy:"Because No Matter How Hard You Resist In The End You Will Always Be Falling Down On Me And As Your Earth I will Be Your Every Thing."
Girl:"I Love You!"
Boy:"I Love You too!"

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So here's a piece of advice
Let go, when you're hurting too much.
Give up, when love isn't enough.
And move on, when things aren't like before.
And it's certain there's someone out there who will love you even more...

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You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy
You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy.
Somebody who doesn’t complicate your life. Somebody who won’t hurt you...

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You made a rebell

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A single word
A single word can scar another.
A single word can also give comfort and relief or stir one’s spirit to courage.
The care with which we use words reflects the depth of our humanity.

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That's what really makes you beautiful
Your body makes you sexy.
Your smile makes you pretty.
But your personality makes you beautiful.

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Bitte vergiss mich nicht

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Smile for no reason
That person who can make you smile for no reason can also hurt you even without them noticing.

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Roses are red, Violets are blue
Roses are red, Violets are blue. You broke my heart, wish I never knew you
Roses are red violets are blue. My weekend was perfect, coz I was with you.
Roses are red, Violets are blue. Good friends are great, but the best one is you!
Roses are red, violets are blue, i never knew what love was, until i gave birth to you
Roses are red violets are blue, Sugar is sweet and so are you!
Roses are red violets are blue, You’ve made all my dreams come true!
Roses are red violets are blue, You know I’ve got my eyes on you!
Roses are red violets are blue I feel so lost without you…
Roses are red violets are blue, I’ve never met anyone as hot as you!
Roses are red violets are blue, I never knew love until I found you!
Roses are red violets are blue, there’s only one way to say this, I love you.
Roses are red violets are blue, May I have this dance with you?
Roses are red violets are blue, Have I mentioned I’m in love with you?
Roses are red violets are blue, I don’t want no-one if I can’t have you!
Roses are red violets are blue, Love never crossed my mind until the day I met you!

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Sometimes I feel like a total stranger
Sometimes I Feel Like We’re Lovers
Sometimes I Feel Like We’re More Than Lovers
But Sometimes
I Feel Like A Total Stranger To You
I can’t talk to you anymore, it’s not that I am mad at you, it’s just that when I talk to you I realize how much I love you and when I realize how much I love you, I realize I can’t have you and that makes me love you even more
I feel like I am holding you back.
Like you’re missing out on something else by hanging on with me.
And I don’t want you to miss a thing.

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Enjoy the little things in life
Enjoy the little things in life,
because one day you'll look back and realise
they were the big things.

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If I could choose again I would still choose you a thousand times over...

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The best thing about a picture is that it never changes even when the people in it do.

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