Freitag, 18. Mai 2012
I do my best not to want you, but it's destroying me..

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In the rain
All those moments will be lost in time
just like tears in the rain.

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because I know my weaknesses.
because I am aware of my flaws.
because I learnt to recognise illusion from real.
because I learn from my mistakes.
because I have felt hate.
because I have known sadness.

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I was there
I just remember I was there when no one else was.

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Care about yourself
Why should I care about you
when you only care about yourself?

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Damn special
There a lot of people who call you by your name.
But there is only ONE PERSON who can make it sound to damn special.

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Spend life with
who makes you happy.
Not who you have to impress.

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Who you are
Don't regret anything you do, because in the end it makes you who you are.

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Here comes that feeling you thought you'd forgotten.

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Your vioce
I won't tell anyone that your voice it my favourite sound.

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Dear Heart
Dear Heart.
Fall in love when you're ready.
Not when you're lonely.

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It's nice to be important.
But it's important to be nice.

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It's crazy.
This time last year everything was so...different.

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I wonder if he knows how much he hurt me...

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Other guys
I might hug other guys.
Laugh with other guys.
Or hang out with other guys.
But none of them will ever mean to me as much as you did.

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Fix their Problems
She loved to help everyone else to fix their problems.
Yet she couldn't fix her own.

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Behind my smile
Behind my smile,
everything you'll never understand.

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Stupidly Smile
My stupidly smile as I looked at my phone and saw your name on the screen.

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You never really had
Sometimes the hardest thing to let go of is the thing you never really had.

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Never ask me
I'm leaving because you never ask me to stay.

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Du bist wie eine verdammte Droge von der ich einfach nicht loskomme.

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99% of guys are hot.
The other 1% go to my school.

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Still make me smile
You still make me smile.
Even if you are the main reason why I'm sad.

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No girl believes
No girl believes
she’s beautiful until
a boy comes along
and makes her
feel like she is.

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Wanting you
It’s funny how the minute you stop wanting them is the minute they start wanting you.

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Love was always worth waiting for
One day someone walk into your life, then you'll realize love was always worth waiting for.

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Forget what hurt you in the past
but never forget what it taught you.

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Once you lose yourself
Once you lose yourself.
You have two choices:
Find the person you used to be
or lose that person completly.

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Still remember
I still remember the first day I met you.

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Telling people
I wish I was better at telling people how I really feel.

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Just gonna stand there and watch me burn?
But that's all right, because it's the way it hurts.

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Stay away
If he loves you,
nothing can keep him away.
If he doesn't,
nothing can make him stay.

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I can't cry
It hurts so much, but I can't cry.
A part of me, deep inside of me, die.
It feels terrible, but I can't cry.
You tear my soul apart, but I can't cry.
You broke my heart, but I can't whine.
You destroyed my strength.
My body feels alway like I'm on my knees, when I look at you, but I can't fucking cry.
You killed myself but the worst thing is....I can't cry.

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I`m not the one you think I am
I`m not the shy, decent and honest girl zou think I am.
Sometimes if you can`t see, I`m more crazy, noisy, wild and bad than you will ever know.
I`m not the one you think I am.

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I hate the bad way you look at me and get me weak
Hey ihr Süßen!

Wochenende! Endlich! *_*
Heute in Sport mussten wir 30 Minuten sprinten. Hört sich nicht viel an, ist aber echt lang, aber ich hab's geschafft. :D Ich bin voll stolz auf mich! :P
Pause war ganz lustig. :D
In Deutsch haben wir Lektüre gelesen. :D
Anton:"Kannst du Zeichensprache?"
Anton in Zeichensprache:"Willst du mit....!"
Ich:"Hää? Den Rest hab ich nicht verstanden?"
Anton:"Willst du mit zum Bayernspiel kommen?"
Alta, ich dachte schon, was will der jetzt von mir?! Sein Vater ist voll reich, deswegen fahren die extra zum Finale am Samstag.
Ich:"Im Ernst?"
Anton:"Wir haben noch 'ne Karte übrig?"
Naomi:"Hallo? Warum darf nicht ich mit?"
Anton:"Weil sie der größere Bayernfan ist!"
Elias:"Alta, ich schlag dich nach der Schule so!"
Haha, aber es war nicht ernst. Sein Vater hat zwar noch 'ne Karte übrig, aber ich denk nicht, dass ich da mitkommen kann, wär ja assi. :D
Sonst ist heute nichts Spannendes mehr passiert.
Nachher kommt noch Lene vorbei. :D
Knutscha :*♥

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Chasing after me
I always wonder if you'll ever come chasing after me.

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Good girls go to heaven.
Bad girls go to London.

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Shooting Star

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The greatest thing you'll ever learn
And he said to me:"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to be loved and be loved in return."

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Too short
Life is too short for being unhappy.

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a memory
When a person makes you an option, love yourself enough to make them a memory.

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Loved so deeply
To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever.

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Those little things
Never get tired of doing little things for others.
Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.

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Check your pulse
If you need something to be grateful for check your pulse.

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You are in the world
I wish you thought I was the reason you are in the world.

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Make the world go round
Love May Not Make The World Go Round, But I Must Admit That It Makes The Ride Worthwhile.

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