Freitag, 28. Dezember 2012
I'm in love with something that calls revenge
Einen wunderschönen Abend ihr Lieben!

Franzi und Daniel waren gestern noch spontan da. Wir haben viel gequatscht, Scheiße gelabert, gelacht, gegessen und 'n Film geschaut. ;) war echt ein toller nachmittag bzw abend. :)
War heute kurz shoppen, hab nir den dritten band "du oder die große liebe" gekauft. *-*
Joah sonst gibt's nichts neues.
Meld mich morgen noch mal.
Gute Nacht ihr süßen! ;** ♥♥♥♡♡

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Be careful with your words
Be careful with your words.
Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.

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I should leave you
I got the point that I should leave you
but we both know I'm not that strong.

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It's not easy
It's not easy but it's worth it.

Repeat that every day.

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Doesn't need anyone
A girl doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her.

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Stay Strong
Stay strong.
I may not believe in myself, but I believe in you.

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