Mittwoch, 3. April 2013
Tell them I was happy and my heart is broken
Hey ihr Lieben!

Sry, das nichts von mir ka, aber ich war busy. :D
Erst mal noch Frohe Ostern nachträglich. :D
Am Sonntag waren Franzi und Daniel da. Wir haben uns vollgestopft mit Kuchen und Süßigkeiten und Ostereier und gequatscht. :D Franzi hatte vor den Ferien so einen Kulturabend und da durften halt ein paar Abiturienten was vorführen und Lukas hat mit ein paar Kumpels Leopardenhotpants angezogen und dann haben sie "Space Taxi" getanzt. :D

Franzi hat 'ne DVD davon, die will sie mir noch mal zeigen. :P
Und dann hat sie mir erzählt, dass ihr Abiball im Juni ist und ich und Daniel aber leider nicht rein dürfen, weil das erst ab 18 ist. Pfff, als würden wir uns an Regeln halten. :P
Nee, wird haben ausgemacht, wir gehen trotzdem hin. Laut Gesetzt dürfen wir bis 24 Uhr dasein also kiss my ass, Türsteher. :D Und Daniel hat im Nebengebäude immer Karate oder so und er weiß wo die Hintereingänge sind. :DD Muahahahahaaa! :D
Auf den Ball von unserer Schule können sie leider nicht kommen. Franzi muss pausenlos lernen und Daniel hat um die Zeit auch voll viel Schulstress. :(
Joah, am Montaaag, ähhm, was hab ich am Montag gemacht..ACH JA GENAU: ich war mit Freunden bowlen. :D Ich war ziemlich aus der Übung, hab das schon seit 3 Jahren nicht mehr gemacht, aber hat voll Spaß gemacht. :D
Und gestern wollte ich eigl in ein Schwimmbad fahren, das mach ich aber morgen.
Heute muss ich noch "Frankenstein" fertig lesen. Jaa, ich hab's immer noch nicht geschafft. Jaa, ich hab immer andere Bücher gelesen.
Und ich hatt heute Nacht wieder einen Alptraum. Ich hab von meiner Buchvorstellung geträumt. I.wie hab ich ein anderes Buch vorgestellt und meiner Klasse dann doch den Trailer von "Frankenstein" gezeigt und da kam dann ein kleiner grauer Mann der wie eine Mischung aus Leiche und Mumie aussah und hat Jaden Smith gejagt. XDDD voll gestörrt. :P
Joah, ich wünsch euch noch einen wunderschönen Tag! .* ♥ <3 xxx

Songs of Today:

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Fight for
Fight for what's worth fighting for.

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I try so hard to forget
I hate seeing you because you bring back the feelings I try so hard to forget.

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I don't hate you
No, I don't hate you.
I'm just disappointed.

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People will treat you
People will treat you however you allow them to treat you.

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Everything was better
Everything was better when you were right by my side.

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It takes a boy
It takes a boy to create a baby.
But a man to raise one.

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We changed
Somewhere along the way we changed.

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Who I am
Make no mistake between my personality and my attitude.
My personality is who I am.
My attitude depends on who you are.

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More than all the stars
I love you more than all the stars. - Jaden Smith

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I'm done trying
I'm done trying.
If you want me in your life, let me know.

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People we don't like
We buy things we don't want with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.

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Stop acting
Unless your name is Google stop acting like you fucking know everything.

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One moment with you
What if the mircale was even getting one moment with you?

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You're not as terrible
Sometimes you just need someone to tell you you're not as terrible as you think you are.

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When he calls you beautiful
When a boy calls you hot
he looks at your body.
Whent a boy calls you pretty
he looks at you face.
When a body calls you gorgeous
he looks at your clothes.
But when he calles you beautiful
he sees everything.

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Tell them I was happy and my heart was broken

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I know that we could work it out somehow

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It's better to burn
It's better to burn out than to fade away.

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You'll always be in my memory
You'll always be in my life even if I'm not in yours, because you'll be my memory.

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Like you don't know me

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Don't hide your feelings
Don't hide your feelings from someone who shows you theirs.

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One person
A million feelings.
A thousand thoughts.
A hundred memories.
All for one person.

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Running away
Running away from your problems is a race you'll never win.

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6 Things I say in school
6 thinks I say in school:
- I'm tired
- I'm cold
- I'm bored
- I'm hungry
- What time is it?
- I want to go home

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Don't give a shit about what anybody thinks
Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do for you. - Johnny Depp

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I'm only me when I'm with you

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That's fine I'll tell mine you're gay

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The problem is not the problem
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. - Jack Sparrow

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Gave up their dreams
Don't let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you ouf ot yours.

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So he calls me up and he's like

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I knew you were trouble when you walked in

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I don't care what you think about me
I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all. - Coco Chanel

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Do wild things while you're young
If you don't do wild things while you're young
you'll have nothing to smile about when you're old.

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I have no time
I have no time for your negative bullshit.

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An ugly personality
An ugly personalitly destroys a pretty face.

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You're gonna lose people in your life
You're gonna lose people in your life. And realize that no matter how much time you spent with them or how much you appreciate them and told them so, it will never seem like it was enough.

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