Montag, 26. März 2012
Warum ich die Musik so laut aufdrehe?
Weil ich einfach mal das Leben, die Probleme und alles vergessen will.

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Wildes Ding

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You don't care
Stop trying to understand how she feels.
Chances are you'll never understand how much she truly loves you.
How everything she does is for you.
How every night she lies in bed thinking of only you. Because you'll never understand.
Because you honestly don't care.

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It's too easy
That’s why love is madness.
It’s too easy to lose your mind when you lose your heart.

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To get over
It's hard to get over people.
I mean really get over them.
You can start having feelings for other people.
But it doesn't mean you're over the last one.
It just means you're moving on.

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Part of me is going with him
I'm letting go.
And that is a promise.
But as I'm letting go, part of me is going with him.

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I want you to feel what you put me through
I want to be hard for you to forget, I want to have the kind of impact on you where you know you'll never find anyone who can take my place, because that's what you are to me.
I want it to hurt like hell when you see me.
I want you to feel what you put me through.

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The girl
Pride attracts the girl.
Courage approaches the girl.
Wisdom gets the girl.
Strength puts up with the girl.
But loyalty keeps the girl.

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Never forgets
A man never forgets the woman he couldn't have.
A woman never forgets the man she could have had.

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to heal
The time you need to heal. Moving on doesn't take a day. It takes a lot of little steps to be able to break free of your broken self.

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But get better
Our problem is that we hate change, but love it at the same time.
What we really want is for everything to stay the same, but get better.

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And move on
You can spend hours, days, even months over-analyzing situations, trying to put the pieces back together, justifying what could've, should've happened, or you can leave the pieces on the floor and move on.

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Or someone else will
Dear boys, every girl deserves to be treated special. So, treat a girl in your life special or someone else will.

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I've played your game
Go ahead. Tell her the same thing. I know all your lies, remember I’ve played your game.

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What’s worse than being hated?
Being ignored.
At least when they hate you, they treat you like you exist.

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That still didn't stop you
You knew what you were doing and you knew it would hurt me, but somehow, that still didn't stop you.

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Everyone has imperfections, everyone screws up, everyone lies, and everyone cries. Turns out, everyone is this world is more alike than we know.

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He means
When a man says he doesn’t know what he wants, he means he doesn’t want you but since he doesn’t have anyone else at the moment, you’re better than nothing until he finds what he’s looking for.

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He taught me
He taught me how to trust myself. He taught me that I should love every flaw. He taught me that no matter what, I should make a decision and jump, and not regret it.

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To love back
We fell in love. And at some point, the people we love forgot to love us back.

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A quote
You'll never understand a quote, unless you live through it.

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One point
At one point in your life, the person you have loved most will, unexpectedly, turn out to be the greatest stranger you have ever met.

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Your mind
If you want to know where your heart is, look to where your mind wanders.

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Came back
I still remember how it all came back together just to fall apart again.

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Do you ever wish...?
Do you ever wish you could here the sirens of the ambulance, wake up in the emergency room, and hear the doctors say, "she isn't going to make it", just so you could find out who really cares about you?

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A second
She wanted something else, something different, something more.
Passion and romance perhaps, or maybe quiet conversations in candlelit rooms.
Or perhaps something as simple as not being second.

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Nothing is more disgusting than a boy who lies and hurts a girl just to prove he's a man.

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The fire
Yes, actions do speak louder than words, but the words are the sparks that light the fire.

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You've got still my heart
Hey ihr Lieben!

Puh, wo fange ich an?
Marlene und Lene waren heute krank.
Ersten zwei Stunden waren langweilig.
In der Pause war ich erst bei Naomi, Nathalie, Elias und co., später bin ich zu Chrissi, Angela und Toni gegangen. Sie saßen auf der Treppe in der Sonne. Er war auch da. -.- Ich musste voll nah an ihm vorbei gehen - war schwer, aber ich hab's geschafft. Aber ich hatte ihn die ganze Pause vor meiner Nase. Und als es gegongt hat, musste ich wieder an ihm vorbei.
Naomi wollte unser Gespräch von Freitag fortsetzen. Ich hab's ihr erzählt, hab aber keinen Namen gesagt.
Sie:"Vllt meinte er es gar nicht böse..."
Ich:"Doch. Die Art wie er's gesagt hat..."
Sie:"Und was ist mit Addi?"
Ich:"Der ist nichts für mich."
Sie:"Warum? So schlecht sieht er doch gar nicht aus."
Ich:"Es geht mir nicht nur ums Aussehen. Ich brauch jmd, der stärker ist als ich, nicht schwächer. Also nicht körperlich...weißt du wie ich mein?"
Sie:"Ja, ich versteh schon. Also ist er ein Weichei?"
Ich:"Ja, auf dem Ball hat man's ja gesehen."
Sie:"Du hast viel zu hohe Ansprüche..."
Ich:"Was? Wieso?"
Sie:"Ka, aber ich wette späterstens in drei Monaten findest du einen Typ, der dich total vergöttert und den du richtig liebst und eure Beziehung wird dann ganz lange sein."
Ich:"Das siehst du vorraus? Und welche Haarfarbe hat er?" :D
Sie:"Schwarz." :P
Und danach hat sie noch die ganze Zeit gesungen:"Ich bin der König im Affenstall" :D

Deutschlehrerin:"Naomi, geht's dir gut?" :D
Naomi:"Jaaa" :D
Deutschlehrerin:"Ich will nicht wissen, was du zum Frühstück hattest." :P
In der Mittagspause war ich mit Toni am Steg. Das Wetter ist einfach traumhauft. *-* War echt toll nur dazuliegen - bis die Jungs kamen. :P
Wir haben dann noch ein paar Fotos gemacht und ja. :D
Heute noch lernen und chillen. :P <3 Have a nice day! ;*

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