Donnerstag, 14. März 2013
The reason

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Sweet tea & god's graces

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Small bump

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Everybody talks

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Forever gold

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All the small things

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I can't help but wish he'd took me with him away
Hey ihr Lieben!

Bayern hat gestern echt scheiße gespielt. Wie die Italiener. Schlimm. Davon krieg ich schlechte Laune.
Nee, im Ernst: WAS IST LOS?
Da stimmt doch i.was nicht. Die spielen super Fußball aber in den letzten drei Wochen kassieren sie die ganze Zeit Gegentore. Sogar gegen Düsseldorf.
Robben ist so ein Egoist. Er hatte die meisten Chancen und die richtig guten wollte er immer alleine machen, anstatt dass er einfach an Müller abgibt, der FREI steht? Hallo? Teamwork? Der Kerl hat mich so angekotzt, ey, ihr wollt nicht wissen, was ich alles über den gesagt hat. Der regt mich schon seit über zwei Jahren auf, ich versteh nicht, warum Bayern den nicht endlich verkauft.


War dann in den letzten Minuten echt noch mal Nervenkitzel. Aber zum Glück sind die Engländer rausgefallen. Mertesacker ist bei denen. Hallo? Verräter! :P

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Joah, was gibt's Neues? :P
Ersten beiden Stunden waren langweilig.
Pause eigl. auch.
In Sozi waren wieder ein paar Praktikumsvorsträge.
Chemie war ok.
Danach hätten wir eigl. Vertretung gehabt, aber es kam kein Lehrer, also sind wir in die Aula.


Ich hab Musik gehört und Videos angeschaut (trotz des Handyverbots, war mir egal, ich hab kein Bock auf meine Klasse) und dann kam wieder die permantete Frage wann ich endlich von hier wegkomm.
Dieser Ort hier ist wirklich wunderschön, das reinste Paradies. Aber man kann seine Stadt lieben und die Menschen hassen. Natürlich nicht alle. Diese Stadt scheint auch i.wie so perfekt. Der See, die schönen großen Villen, die teuren Autos und alles. Man merkt eigl. überhaupt nicht, wie viele Arme es hier auch gibt, weil alles von der gefakten Perfektheit übertönt wird. Diese Stadt ist so schön und die Menschen haben so hässliche Charaktere. Arrogant, überheblich, oberflächlich, egoistisch, aufmerksamkeitssüchtig, sensationsgeil und so weiter. Man wird permanent beurteilt. Ich will einfach i.wo hin wo nicht zählt, wie ich Aussehe, wie meine Vergangenheit war, was ich falsch gemacht habe und was nicht, irgendwo hin wo ich einfach ich selbst sein kann.


Danach hatten wir noch Kunst.
Marlin hat mich die ganze Zeit so angeglotzt: O_O
Alta, diese Lehrerin...uughhh. Sie so:"Fotografieren mit Handys oder Kameras ist kein fotografieren. Nur mit eine Spiegelreflexkamera."
Alta, sonst noch Probleme? Diese Schule ist voll mit verrückten, psychisch gestörten Menschen.


Mittagspause war ganz chillig. Wir waren oben. Lol. Was kann ich euch erzählen?
Uff-uff kam dazu. Angela hat sie mit ihrer Breze abgeworfen. Aber aus Versehen...glaub ich. :D


Danach hatten wir noch Mathe. War eigl. ganz witzig. :)


Heute noch chillen und Hausaufgaben machen und so was ;) Wünsch euch einen wundervollen Abend! :* ♥ <3 xxx

Songs of Today:

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Hold on

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Only love

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Autumn leaves

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Princess of China

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You're gonna miss me

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Every heart

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Weird world

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How to save a life

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Having eye contact
Having eye contact for more that 6 seconds without looking away or blinking reveals a desire for either sex or murder.

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The 2nd The
After reading this sentence you'll notice that the the brain doesn't recognize the 2nd "the."

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My friends change
I hate it when my friends change just because they meet new people.

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She's the girl
She's the girl that believes that what comes around goes around. the one that hopes for a better day. The one that won't give up on you. She's the girl that's unlike the rest. The one that spent her days smiling, and her nights crying. She's the girl that would love to be loved. The one that looks so damn strong, but feels so weak. She's she girls that picks herself up every time she falls.

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I need someone
I need someone who is prepared for:
- a million questions
- uncontrollable laughter
- my family
- my love with music
- random dancing
- my friends
- sad and happy tears
- deep talks
- my dreams
- walks at night
- dancing in the rain
- random texts
- useless arguments
- and acceptance of the real me

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Johnny Depp
As a way of thanking the doctors that looked after his seriously ill daughter, Johnny Depp visited the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London and read stories to sick kids for over four hours in full Jack Sparrow attire.

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She: Hey, wanna come over and hangout?
He: Sorry, man I can't I'm grounded...
She: What did you do?
He: I got into a fight with my mom and she yelled "Son of a bitch!" and I yelled "Hell yeah I am!"

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Harry Potter
Harry Potter: R.I.P. mom and dad. You're forever in my heart.
Ron Weasley: Sorry mate.
Justin Bieber: Wait...Voldemort killed your parents?
Harry Potter: Yeah
Justin Bieber: That's really sad but everything happens for a reason.
Harry Potter: ...
Voldemort: Don't worry, Harry. He's next.

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My middle finger
Aww my middle finger likes you.

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I break
I might seem strong, but I break.

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I hate judgemental people
I fucking hate judgemental people. I'm more like, oh hey you smoke? Good for you. Oh hey you drink? Drink the fuck on. You're had sex? Chill! You haven't? Chill! You wear a lot of make up? Cool. You don't? Well all fucking right. I don't care if you have tattoos or piercings, I don't care if you have a lot of money or don't, I don't care if you have screwed up past. I'm mp pme to judge and neither are you.

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Your ghetto name
Your ghetto name:

A - sha
B - ni
C - ki
D - que
E - nay
F - qui
G - ti
H - la
I - kay
J - ri
K - barack
L - obama
M - di
N - ta
O - ee
P - ray
Q - cli
R - gurl
S - na
T - qua
U - kwa
V - ise
W - fi
X - quee
Y - mi
Z - si

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Women want respect
Hoes want attention.
Woman want respect. - Drake

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Prove everyone wrong
Jack Sparrow thaught me to prove everyone wrong.
(And how to drink rum).

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The queen protects the king
Every man needs a woman when his life is a mess, because just like in a game of chess, the queen protects the kind.

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It's like to be afraid of your own mind
I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind.

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I will never regret
I will never regret the things I did wrong, I will only regret the good things I did for the wrong people.

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It's hard to follow
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart. - Jessie J

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I cared so much
I cared so much, you didn't even care at all.
Gues we know who is hurting more.

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We all smile
We all smile in the same language.

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Mention your name
My heart it sparkles everytime someone mention your name.

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Feel beautiful
Confidence is the ability to feel beautiful without needing someone to tell you.

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Stand up for what we know is right
In the end, it's important for us to learn to value ourselves enough to stand up for what we know is right and for what we want otherwise we will never get it. - Miranda Kerr

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Put yourself together
It takes 10 times as long to put yourself together that i does to fall apart.

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You just want to be saved
You think you want to die,
but in reality you just want to be saved.

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Believe in all the great fairytales
Believe in all the great fairytales infield because you just might begin a new chapter in the fairytale of life.

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People let me down
I'm never shocked when people let me down nowadays. I just hate the fact that i put myself in a postition to be let down in the first place.

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The past can hurt
The past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King

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We're like dominoes
We're like dominoes, I fall for you, you fall for another.

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I run away from you
I run away from you sometimes because I just want to know if you would follow.

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Don't let the pain make you hate
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. - Kurt Vonnegut

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I'm still in love with you
How can I move on, if I'm still in love with you?

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The darkest part of you
It's not a bad thing when someone knows the darkest part of you. - Cara Delevigne

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What you really want
In life, what you really want, will never come easy.

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How much everything has changed
Isn't it crazy how we can look back a year ago and realize how much everything has changed? The amount of people that have left your life, entered and stayed. The memories you won't forget and the moments you wish you did. Everything. It's crazy how all that happend in just one year.

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And mess you up
Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. - Neil Gaiman

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Every light in New York City
Turn on every light in New York City I'd still be blind if you weren't with me.

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You are a lady
If a man whistles at you, do not respond, you are a lady, not a dog. - Adele

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To fall in love with strangers

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It's all worth it
I wish I could fast-forward time, just to see if in the end it's all worth it.

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Never be afraid
Never be afraid to speak your mind.
We all have one for a reason.

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The right girl
You did the wrong thing to the right girl.

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I can't forget you
What if I can't forget you?

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I wish R.I.P. meant "Return if possible."

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