Samstag, 16. März 2013
Just move on and smile
Just move on and smile.
You can't kill all of them.

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Come back for me and save me from here
Hey ihr Lieben!

Hab gestern noch "Verlobung auf Umwegen" geschaut.

Ich wollte den Film schon ewig sehen und hab's jetzt endlich mal geschafft. :D Der Film ist genial, wirklich. Witzig und wunderbar romantisch. Echt zum Heulen. :) Und der Kerl mit den schwarzen Haaren hat so die schönen Augen. *_*


Joah, heute war ja ganz schönes Wetter, aber es war so was von kalt, also bin ich drinnen geblieben.
Was hab ich gemacht? Ähhm gelesen, gechillt, Musik gehört, Blogs gelesen und ein Bananenshake hab ich mir auch gemacht. :P


Morgen geh ich ja mit Franzi und co. essen. Freu mich schon. :)



Ach ja, das hatte ich vergessen euch zu erzählen: Lina ist seit etwa einer Woche nicht mehr in der Schule. Keiner weiß den Grund, die Sozi- und unsere Klassenlehrerin haben schon versucht anzurufen, aber sie haben ihre Mutter noch nicht erreicht.
Ich hoffe es ist nichts schlimmes, aber ich glaub schon, dass es daran liegt, dass sie so abgemagert ist. :/
Vllt sollte ich doch mal mit ihr reden...andererseits glaub ich kaum, dass es was bringt, wenn sie nicht mal auf Lehrer hört.
Mal schauen.


Joah heute mach ich noch 'ne Quarkmaske. :P Ich hab grad Lust darauf. Dann noch ein bisschen lesen und so was. ;)


Wünsch euch einen wundervollen Tag! :* ♥ <3 xxx



Songs of Today:

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Somewhere only we know

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Lego house

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Written in the stars

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I wish you were here by my side
It's nights like this that I wish you were heer by my side.

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When you feel like giving up
When you feel like giving up remember why you held on for so long in the first place.

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Do not chase people
Do not chase people.
Be you and do your own thing and work hard.
The right people who belong in your life will come to you and stay. - Wu Tang

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They are not all the same
All a girl really wants is for one guy to prove to her that they are not all the same. - Marilyn Monroe

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A soulmate is someone
Sometimes I think a soulmate is someone who will make you be the most "you" that you can possibly be.

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Don't fall in love
Don't fall in love.
There's just too much to lose.

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You'll have a wasted soul
If you don't take risks
you'll have a wasted soul. - Drew Barrymore

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I want that
I want that Titanic Jack and Rose kinda love. - Cody simpson

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The best revenge
The best revenge?
Because nothing drives people more crazy after seeing someone actually having a good fucking life.

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I have a hopeless crush
I have a hopeless crush on someone I have no chance with.

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Do right things
There is no wrong time to do right things.

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I've fallen like a fool for you
look at me, I've fallen like a fool for you.
can't you see I'd do anything you want me to.
I tell myself I'm in too deep, then I fall a little farther everytime you look at me.

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Sweet nothing

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They don't deserve you
If they don't appreciate you, they don't deserve you.

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I'm so sick
I'm so sick of people like you.

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I shouldn't have to fight
If you want me in your life, put me there.
I shouldn't have to fight for a spot.

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Blown away

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Never left you alone
Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest.
It's about who came and never left you alone when you needed someone the most.

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You think you know people
You think you know people, and then they surprise you.

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They don't deserve forgiveness
I wonder how many times we forgive just because we don't want to lose someone. Even if they don't deserve forgiveness.

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Three men
Walk like you have three men walking behind you.

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My flaws
Don't criticize me for my flaws when you haven't even recognized yours yet.

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I've been meaning to write
I've been meaning to write.

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I'm my own worst enemy
I allow myself to get too attached too quickly, because I'm my own worst enemy.

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One day you'll love me
One day you'll love me.
The way I loved you.
One day you'll think of me.
The way I thought of you.
One day you'll cry for me.
The way I cried for you.
One day you'll want me.
BUt I won't want you.

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The smile we fake
It's not always the tears that measure the pain.
Sometimes it's the smile we fake.

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You need a second chance
Sometimes you need a second chance, because time wasn't ready for the first time.

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All the devils
Hell is empty. All the devils are here. - William Shakespeare

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Make you better
Let your past make you better, not bitter.

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