Dienstag, 26. März 2013
Es tut dir nicht Leid

All die Zeit die ich damit verschwendet habe
zu hoffen dass du kommen würdest
Ich hab Chancen vergeben
und alles was du tust ist mich im Stich zu lassen
Und es hat mich so lange gebraucht
Aber Baby, ich hab dich enttarnt
Und du denkst wir wären wieder okay
Aber nicht dieses Mal
Du musst mich nicht mehr anrufen
Ich werde nicht dran gehen
Das ist der letzte Strohhalm
Will nicht mehr verletzt werden
Und du kannst mir sagen, dass es dir Leid tut
Aber ich werde dir nicht glauben
so wie ich es zuvor getan habe
Es tut dir nicht Leid
Du siehst so unschuldig aus
Ich hätte dir geglaubt, wenn ich es nicht gewusst hätte
Hätte dich mein ganzes Leben lang lieben können
wenn du mich nicht in der Kälte hättest warten lassen
Und du hast deinen Teil voller Geheimnisse
Und ich habe keine Lust mehr die Letzte zu sein die es erfährt
Und jetzt bittest du mich zuzuhören
weil es die letzten Male so funktioniert hat
Du musst mich nicht mehr anrufen
Ich werde nicht dran gehen
Das ist der letzte Strohhalm
Will nicht mehr verletzt werden
Und du kannst mir sagen, dass es dir Leid tut
Aber ich werde dir nicht glauben
so wie ich es zuvor getan habe
Es tut dir nicht Leid
Es tut dir nicht Leid
Und du hattest mich für dich kriechend
Und es hätte sich niemals geändert, nein
Du hast so schön gescheint
Aber ich habe zugesehen wie alles verblasst ist
Du musst mich nicht mehr anrufen
Ich werde nicht dran gehen
Das ist der letzte Strohhalm
Will nicht mehr verletzt werden
Und du kannst mir sagen, dass es dir Leid tut
Aber ich werde dir nicht glauben
so wie ich es zuvor getan habe
Es tut dir nicht Leid
Es tut dir nicht Leid

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I count every reason why I have to break away
Hey ihr Lieben!

Quelle: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyeume9WUY1r7vg4xo1_500.png

Joah, was hab ich so gemacht? Hmm, gestern war ich in der Stadt. :D Im Media Markt. Über drei einhalb Stunden. :D Da kann ich mich immer ewig aufhalten. *_* Obwohl ich eigl nichts gekauft hab. Die hatten nur die Alben von Taylor Swift, die ich schon hab. JA MÖNSCH! :D
Abends hab ich dann noch lauter alte Filme angeschaut. Also, nicht soo alte, sondern die, die ich vor fünf Jahren oder so immer angeschaut hab. :D
Und dann hab ich noch "Fluch der Karibik" auf Englisch angeschaut. :D haha

Quelle: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--VRmh6ZJocU/UKZgyZUMbvI/AAAAAAAAB94/IOrAZP3aItM/s1600/quotes%2B798.jpg

Es schneit schon wieder! D: Und so wie's aussieht kriegen wir Weiße Ostern. Toll, wirklich.
Hmm, was hab ich noch so gemacht? Ich hab wieder Bücher gelesen. :P Aber die, die auch so vor 5 Jahren meine Favoriten waren. :D Und Frankenstein. Aber das Buch nervt mich i.wie zurzeit. Da passiert nichts spannendes. Der bringt zwar ein paar Leute um, aber dann labert der ewig von der Natur und üah. Gerade hat er den Professor dazu gezwungen, noch so eine Kreatur wie ihn, nur in weiblich zu erschaffen und jetzt fährt der Professor mit seinem Kumpel nach England weil da so ein anderer Professor ist oder so.
Was kann ich euch noch erzählen? Annalena ist die Älterste auf dem Reiterhof und ihr Lieblingspferd wurde verkauft, sie ist ziemlich genervt von den kleinen Kindern, weil die nichts machen und sie immer arbeiten muss.
WOW! ICH HAB EINE GENIALE IDEE! :D Ich könnte morgen doch wieder Schlittschuhlaufen gehen. :D Mit Caro. Vorrausgesetzt sie hat Zeit...Ich ruf sie mal später an. :D

Quelle: http://x0e.xanga.com/f48f75f065630271567181/b216303408.jpg

Joah, sonst gibt's nichts Spannendes zu berichten. :P
Wünsch euch einen wundervollen Tag! :* ♥ <3 xxx

Songs of Today:

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You're above them
If people are trying to bring you down, it only means you're above them. - Bella Throne

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Why are you so hard fo figure out?
Why are you so hard fo figure out?

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People who would kill to see you fall
Just because somebody flirts with you doesn't mean they like you.
Just because somebody likes you doesn't mean they want to go out with you.
Just because someonebody wants to go out with you doesn't mean they love you.
Just because somebody loves you doesn't mean they won't hurt you.
Because people lie, things change, boyfriends cheat, best friends dicht.
And there are always going to be those people who would kill to see you fall.

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Won't stop until my name is in light
Won't stop until my name is in lights.

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She read books as one would breathe air
She read books as one would breathe air to fill up and live.

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Dear school
Dear school,
I hate you!

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Have you ever loved somebody so much?
Have you ever loved somebody so much it made you cry?

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If life is so short
If life is so short why do we do so many things we don't like and like so many things we don't do?

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The most important thing about dreams
The most important thing about dreams is having one.

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I'm at war with myself
I constantly feel like I'm at war with myself.

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Imagine meeting someone
Imagine meeting someone who understood ever the dustiest corner of your mixed-up sould.

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To be yourself
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest.

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Some people feel the rain
Some people feel the rain.
Others just get wet.

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You can't fly
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall.

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Don't look at me
Don't look at me.
I don't like it.

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I want you today
I want you today and tomorrow and the next week and for the rest of my life.

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Don't keep running back
Don't keep running back to the one person that you need to walk away from.

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All the same mistakes
We're making all the same mistakes.

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Something better comes along
When you finally let go of past something better comes along.

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The knowing

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The way

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Always a chance to change
There is always a chance to change and make things right.

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Sometimes you win
Sometimes you win.
Sometimes you learn.

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Good times
Bad times make you appreciate the good times.

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I need you
Stay. No matter how hard it is to be with me. Just stay. I need you.

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Stronger than yesterday
Stronger than yesterday.

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Teacher:"Can anyone tell me something about Nashville?"
Me: *raises hand*
Teacher:"Taylor Swift doesn't count."
Me: *slowly put hand down*

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Can make you smile
It's funny how just thinking of someone can make you smile. For example I bet you're smiling now.

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A new way to be
You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be. - Marianne Williamson

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The day's blessings
Forget the day's troubles.
Remember the day's blessings.

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Do I regret it
Do I regret it?
Would I do it again?

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Be the good
(The)re is
(Good) in the world

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Where you want to be tomorrow
Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow. - unknown

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Try it one more time
When the world says:"Give up",
hope whispers:"Try it one more time."

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I need a vacation
I need a vacation, not a stupid weekend.

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Everything is perfect
Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

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How strong you stand is what makes you
People will hate you, rate you, shake you and break you.
But how strong you stand is what makes you.

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We are never ever getting back together
He:"Wanna know my farvorite song?"
She:"Sure why not?"
He:"Want u back."
She:"Wanna know my favorite song?"
She:"We are never ever getting back together."

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I make time for people
I make time for people who make time for me.

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He's a bad idea
IKYYWT is the perfect song to describe a boy that I know. I know he's a bad idea, but I 'can seem to stop thinking about him.

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Her flawless song
Have you ever just listen to "All too well" repeatedly and you start to sing it in your head unconsciously and then you just stop and think:"Wow, Taylor actually wrote these lyrics. She actually wrote it."? And then you just start drowning in her flawless song writing skills?

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The words you stop yourself from saying
I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest. - Taylor Swift

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It was losing me
I think that the worst part of it all wasn't losing him. It was losing me. - Taylor Swift

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White plank page

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Doing wrong
I wish I could read minds.
So I could understand what I'm possibly doing wrong here.

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I don't have much to offer
I don't have much to offer
but I promise you can have the best of me.

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No fear of time
Things of quality have no fear of time.

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A lot of the pain
A lot of the pain that we deal with are really only thoughts.

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High heels
High heels are pleasure with pain. - Christian Louboutin

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Do what makes you happy
Do what makes you happy.
Not what makes them happy.

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Signs you're falling in love
Signs you're falling in love:
- you'll read his texts over and over
- you walk really slow when you're with him
- you pretend to be shy when you're with him
- while thinking about him your heart beats faster
- by listening to his voice you'll smile for no reason
- while looking at him you can't see anyone else
- you start listening to slow songs
- he becomes all you think about
- you get hight off his smell
- you realize you're alway smiling when you think of him
- even though there was no specific name mentioned you were thinking about him as you read this

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You may just be someone
To the world you may just be someone
but to someone you may be the whole world.

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I like weird people
I like weird people.
They make me feel normal.

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You still care
If it still hurts, you still care.

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I want you
I want you, nothing else, just you.

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Don't keep her waiting
Guys: Don't keep her waiting just because you know she will.

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Everyone seems normal
Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

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Trust but don't be naive
Give but don't allow youself to used.
Love but don't allow your heart to be abused.
Trust but don't be naive.
Listen to others but don't lose your own voice.

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I found you

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I hate what you have done to me
I don't hate you.
I hate what you have done to me.

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I'm a lip biter
I'm a lip biter.

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Just let go
If you think it's time to let go, then just let go.
There's no point in looking back to what you have already lost.

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I really can't explain
I really can't explain it but I like you without trying.
I love the things you say and how you never fail to make me smile.

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A jealous girlfriend
A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend.
If she doesn't get jealous when someone has your attention it's because someone has hers.

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Turn up the music
Turn up the music.
Turn down the bullshit.

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I never told you

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What hurts the most

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Highway don't care

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And there's a letter left on your door step

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A real man
Ladies, a real man does more than pay for you, he prays for you.

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You'll be everything
Someday you'll be everything to someone.

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I may not be the girl that everyone wants
I may not be the girl that everyone wants but at least I'm not the girl that everyone had.

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You'll be judged
People change.
Feelings face.
Lovers drift.
Friends leave.
Friends become enemies.
Lovers become strangers.
You'll be judged.
Life goes on.

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I hate boys
I hate boys who think they can get any girl.

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I deserve someone
I deserve someone that wants me every second of their life because that's what true love really is.

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Never love anything
Never love anything that can't love you back.

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There's nothing I can do
I'm not sure which is worse. Missing you or the fact that there's nothing I can do about it.

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Putting on a smile
It's amazing what you can hide just by putting on a smile.

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I have 3 sides
I have 3 sides.
1. The quite sweet side.
2. The fun and crazy side.
3. The sinde you never want to see.

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I'm in love with a boy
I'm in love with a boy that:

- washes his hands with mouthwash
- sniffs doors
- uses a lint roller on his face
- cools off by going in a Coke machine
- dresses up like a nerd

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Give a girl the right shoes
Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. - Marilyn Monroe

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I'm afraid of being forgotten
I'm afraid of being forgotten.
Because it seems everyone I get close to, ends up forgetting me.

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I'm just not the type of girl
I'm just not the type of girl guys will fall in love with.

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Tired of feeling like this
She's weak and she's tired of feeling like this.

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A list of nice sounds
A list of nice sounds:

-turning book pages
-keys of a type writer
-skate blades on ice
-sleeping voices
-crackling fire
-train whistles
-when you can hear a smile in someone's voice

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Don't you ever forget about me

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Black heart

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Knowing my reasons
Yo can't judge my choices without knowing my reasons.

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So many people telling me no
I had so many people telling me 'No' and giving me these limits in my life. It's so funny when can happen once just decide to not listen to them. - Lea Michele

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Her songs tell my story
Taylor may not know my name but her songs tell my story.

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One day I'll meet Taylor
One day I'll meet Taylor.
One day I'll thank her in person and tell her I love her.

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How many people
I just hope Taylor knows how many people she has helped and we love her so much.

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Who you are
Who you are is not what you did.

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Just a sweet person
I don't see how anyone could truly hate Taylor. She's nice to all of her fans and isn't stuck up like most celebrities. She genuinely is just a sweet person.

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Taylor Swift does NOT deserve the bad repulation she seems to have for "all her songs being about boys and love". Find me one girl in the universe who hasn't related to "Teardrops on my guitar" or "You belong with me" at some point in live. Impossible.

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I save myself
I don't want you to save me.
I want you to stand by my side as I save myself.

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One song
One song.
Thousand memories.

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Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner
I still hope Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner would get back together. I'll ship them forever. Like ever.

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My old self
"I'd like to be my old self again but I'm still trying to find it."
(Taylor Swift - I almost do)
That line hit home with me I can relate 100%. I hope we both find our old selfs again someday.

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They need something
It's really cool when people forget your exsistance until they need something.

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Take you higher

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Do NOT cut tonight. I know it's hard ad I know there are good reasons. But promise me wheneveryou see this on your dash you don't cut tonight. Don't even think about it. Whatever happend today to make you want to do this. It's gone. It's over. Don't think about it. Put your favorite music on and think of the best thing you can imagine. And keep these blades away from your beautiful skin. please.
Stay strong. I promise you, you're not alone.
I love you.

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The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. - Jimmy Johnson

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The way I am

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Happiness is a direction
Happiness is a direction, not a destination. - unknown

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I miss you
I had planned to say all these terrible things to you, but in the end, I just want to tell you: I miss you.

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I remember everything
I remember everything that you forgot.

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Thank you
Thank you
for being the first
to tell me
that I matter
that the
things I do
make a difference
Thank you for that

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Welcome to the black parade

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A broken heart
You can't break a broken heart.

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Much closer
I need you so much closer.

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The other half of your sould
When you meet the other half of your soul
you will understand
why all the other lovers had to let you go.
When you meet the one who deserves your heart
you'll understand
why you and all the others have to be apart.

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Time for things to change
I won't worry anymore.
There's still time for things to change.

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Capture a memory
A camera can capture moments.
A mind can capture a memory.

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Keep strong
Keep strong and move on

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I'd rather have strangers reading my blog than people from my school.

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Edge of desire

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Don't you worry child

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Kiss me

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Who you are

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Heart on fire

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Your Guardian Angel

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