Samstag, 30. März 2013
I can wait for the day I'm finally getting over you
Hey ihr Lieben!

Hab gestern noch was mit Caro und Jonas gemacht. :) War voll toll. Wir sind erst ein bisschen spazieren gegangen und dann haben wir uns noch in ein Café gesetzt.
Jonas:"Caro steht auf den einen von One Direction."
Caro:"Tu ich gar nicht."
Jonas:"Dooch, gib's doch zu!"
Caro:"Nee, ich find nur dass die alle volll gut aussehen und ich mag ein Lied von denen."
Ich:"You don't know oh oh you don't know you're beautiful!"
Caro:"Hahahaha, jaaa, genau des!"
Jonas:"Ich hasse die!". :D
Ahh und ich hab ihr auch den ganzen Scheiß erzählt, was so in meiner Klasse abgeht. :D
Und sie hat mir von ihrer englischen Austauschschülerin erzählt. In England gibt's keine Zirkusse und keine HubbaBubba-Kaugummies. ;o
Lol war auf jeden Fall total schön. Hab sie voll vermisst.
Am Abend hab ich dann noch "Das Vermächtnis des geheimen Buches" angeschaut.

Der Film hat mich am Schluss total verwirrt. Er fängt an mit einem Mord und endet mit einer Schatzsuche.
Lol, aber der Film war echt gut. :D
Gestern Nacht hatte ich eine Reihe von komischen Träumen, teilweise auch Albträumen.
Zu erst hab ich i.was von Simon und Julius geträumt, genau weiß ich das aber nicht mehr.
Dann hab ich geträumt dass meine Mathelehrerin auf der Treppe ausrutscht und Angela sie voll auslacht. :D
Okay, jetzt wird's psycho.
Ich hab geträumt, dass an unserer Schule ein Amoklauf ist.
I.wie war der ganze Jahrgang in der Aula und da war so ein Kerl oder zwei, so genau weiß ich das nicht mehr, mit Pistolen. Er haben sie Pfefferspray im ganzen Raum rumgesprüht, man hat fast nichts mehr gesehen und dann haben sie gebrüllt, dass wenn sich jemand bewegt, der erschossen wird. Drei haben sich bewegt und die wurden dann erschossen. I.wie sind dann aber alle raus aus der Aula gerannt, ich bin, so weit ich mich noch daran erinnern kann, in das andere Schulgebäude, die Treppe rauf und dann in i.einen Raum. Mehr weiß icht nicht mehr. Ich weiß nur noch, dass dann die Feuerwehr kam.
Dann hab ich geträumt, dass ich in Kunst neben Tamara sitze (D:). Ich weiß nicht mehr was passiert ist, aber es war voll krank.
Und dann hab ich noch geträumt, dass Lina wieder in die Schule gekommen ist, aber total abgemagert, also richtig und ihre Haare waren auch i.wie dunkler und so.
Oh gooooott, voll psycho alles. Und ich dachte mir letztens erst noch so: Yeah, ich hatte schon lang keine Albträume mehr und dann kommen gleich mehrere auf einmal. D:
Okay, das war's auch schon.
Morgen ist schon Ostern. ;O
Ich bin i.wie gar nicht in Osterstimmung. Das Wetter. Unmöglich. :D
Wünsch euch einen wundervollen Tag! :* ♥ <3 xxx

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I won't miss you

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So are we Haylor now

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Tonight I'm getting over you

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Hey you
Hey you!
Yes, you. Stop being unhappy with yourself. You are perfect. Stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they like someone else. Stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. Stop hating your body, your face, your personality, you quirks. Love them. Without those things you wouldn't be you and why would you want to be anyone else? Be confident with who you are, smile. It'll draw people in. If anyone hates on you because you are happy with yoursef then you stick your middle finger in the air and say screw it. My happiness will not depent on others anymore. I'm happy because I love who I am. I love my flaes. I love my imperfections. They make me me. And me is pretty amazing.

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He found her most beautiful
He found her most beautiful not when she was all fancied up, but when she wasn't. When she was lying on the carpet, her hair all a mess, laughing about something that happened years ago. When she wasn't trying to impress anyone and taken down that wall she build for most people. That's when he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

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One day you'll meet a guy
One day you'll meet a guy. And ultimately, he's going to find out. How you chew, how you sip, how you dance , how you smell at every point in the day.
How your face looks unterneath all your makeup. How you love chocolate, how you can be hyper at times, how certain games and shows make you really happy.
How cranky you can get when you're tired, how you think you look bad in all your photos.
He's going to know everything about you
And you know what?
He's still going to love you.

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For you
For you:
this message is for you
you feel like you don't fit in or you're not good enough for anyone.
well, guess what?
you're wrong.
you are amazing an special in every way, not matter what shape or size.
you need to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love who you are.
take your flaws and turn them into a quality that you love about yourself.
all you need to do is remember that you are perfect and you can't let anyone else think otherwise.

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Hurts like heaven

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Five points to live happily
Five points to live happily:

1. Know that after all, life is simple.
Don't complicate it.
2. Be generous in your thoughts, deeds and things.
3. Remember that things go according to your karma - whether you like it or not.
4. Humbly obey the law of the universe.
5- Be positive under any circumstances.

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Who says

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Love is louder
Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect.

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You'll thank them both
You will meet two kinds of people in life: Ones who build you up and ones who tear you down.
But in the end, you'll thank them both

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Life isn't a music player
Life isn't a music player where you choose what's being played.
It's a radio where you have to enjoy what's being played. - Zayn Malik

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Just smile
Just smile.
Everything will be ok.

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We're strangers with memories
We're not friends.
We're strangers with memories.

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Some people just need a high-five
Some people just need a high-five.
In the face.
With a chair.

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I'm me
I'm not perfect but I'm me and that's even better.

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If someone breaks your heart
If someone breaks your hear just punch them in the face.
Seriously. Punch then in the dace and go get some ice cream.

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If she's crying
If she's crying, don't say anything, just hug her.

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What lasts won't come easy
What comes easy won't last.
What lasts won't come easy.

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I fell in love with you
I fell in love with you.
I don't know how.
I don't know why.
I just did.

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You can't photoshop your ugly personality
You can't photoshop your ugly personality.

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They can change the world
The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.

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Things I don't want to remember
I hate getting flashbacks from things I don't want to remeber.

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I may look calm
I may look calm, but in my head I've killed you 3 times.

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You have to fight
You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.

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The lyrics mean everything
When I ask you to listen to a song, it's because the lyrics mean everything I'm trying to say to you.

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A list of people
Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed

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If you want to feel rich
If you want to feel rich just cound all the things you have that money can't but.

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Nothing is worth it
Nothing is worth it if you aren't happy.

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The right places
Sometimes the wrong choices take us to the right places.

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He's cute. He's tall. He's got gorgeous eyes. And a stunning smile. I didn't say a name but he popped into your head, didn't he?

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A painful situation
Sometimes it takes a painful situation to make us change our ways.

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She's broked
S(he's) br(ok)en because s(he) be(lie)ve(d).

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Good music
Big dreams, good music and expensive taste.

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What makes a bitch talk
That's what makes a bitch talk.

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Stop letting people
Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions. - Will Smith

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I still repeat things
I still repeat things you said to me in my head.

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They will kill to see you fall
Hold your head hight, gorgeous, they will kiss you see you fall.

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All kinds of love in this world
There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice.

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Do something today
Do something today that your future self will thankt you for.

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I've been disappointed so many times
I've been disappointed so many times, not giving a fuck is almost a reflex.

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They can make you smile
You know they're special when no matter what mood you're in, they can make you smile.

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It becomes a memory
Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

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A box full of darkness
Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness,
It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.

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A simple hello
A simple hello could lead to a million things.

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People are just people
People are just people,
they shouldn't make you nervous.

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How you treat me
My attitude is based on how you treat me.

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I wonder if anyone ever looks at me
I wonder if anyone ever looks at me and thinks:"Wow, she's beautiful."

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Some of your friends
Some of your friends are secretly haters.

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I'm stronger
I'm stronger because of my hard times
wiser because of my mistakes
and happier because of my sad experiences.

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She'll continue to smile
And she'll continue to smile no matter how hurt she is.

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I don't live to please you
Keep calm and say:"Bitch I don't live to please you!"

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She's standing on a line
She's standing on a line between giving up and seeing how much more she can take.

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It's less drama
I'm a girl and yes, I hang out with guys because it's less drama.

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Don't let idiots ruin your day
Don't let idiots ruin your day.

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Teenager: When you're too young for half the things you want to do and too old to do the other half.

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Kiss her lips
If she's upset, then kiss her lips.

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Words I want to hear
Words I want to hear:
2% - I Like you
3% - You've won a million dollar
95% - Would you like to come to club red?

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Don't stop trying
Don't stop trying just because you've hit a wall.
Progress is progress no matter how small.

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All comes back
It just all comes back.
But he never does. - Taylor Swift

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I loved you
I loved you at your darkest.

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You can't destroy me
You can't destroy me.
I destroy me.

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Why you're my best friend
Sometimes when I hand out with you, I just think to myself:"This person is absolutely ridiculous."
And that's why you're my best friend.

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You must create it
Your dream job doesn't exist.
You must create it.

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How much you prove
Love is not about how much you say 'I love you' but how much you prove that it's true.

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I knew it all this time
It's sad to think you'll never be mine.
It's even sadder to ralize I knew it, all this time.

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It's hard to forget about a person
It's hard to forget about a person that did you wrong when you had so many good memories with them.

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It hurts too much to remember
It's not that I want to forget about you, it just hurts too much to remember.

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How much you can handle after you break
Strenght isn't about how much you can handle before you break.
It's about how much you can handle afer you break.

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Always be Captain Jack Sparrow
Always be yourself unless you can be Captain Jack Sparrow. Then always be Captain Jack Sparrow.

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One half of me
One hald of me is a hopeless romantic, the other half is so damn realistic.

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This bud of love
This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath. May prove a beauteous flower next time we meet. - William Shakespeare

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Root of all heartache
Expectation, is the root of all heartache. - William Shakespeare

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Be true
This above all: to thine own self, be true. William Shakespeare

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People are like Oreos
People are like Oreos. The good stuff is on the inside. - William Shakespeare

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So wise, so young
So wise, so young, they say, do never live long. - William Shakespeare

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Love all
Love all
trust a few
do wrong to none. - William Shakespeare

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In the stars
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.

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Nothing gain
Nothing ventured, nothing gain. - William Shakespeare

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So much I love you
I love you more than words can wield the matter
dearer than eyesight, space and liberty
as much as child e'er lov'd, or father found
a love that makes breath poor, and speech unable
Beyond all manner of so much I love you.

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Will you be my nothing?
Since nothing last forever will you be my nothing?

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I fell in love and you smiled
When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew. - William Shakespeare

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You want me in your life
If you want me in your life, put me there.
I shouldn't have to fight for a spot.

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This is your world
This is your world.
She it or someone else will.

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Always be yourself
Always be yourself. Retain individuality, listen to the truest part of yourself. - Marilyn Monroe

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A journey
A journey is best measured in friends not in miles.

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Strong women
Strong women scare weak men.

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you little rebel I like you.

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Being talked about
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

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Waiting for someone
Waiting for someone you love is never easy.
Especially when the one you're waiting for isn't aware that you're waiting.

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Make you happy
Life is too short to give another minute to anyone that doesn't make you happy.

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Being a mom
The only thing that could be as exiting as being a singer for me is being a mom. - Taylor Swift

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Taylor Lautner first saw Taylor Swift crying on September night when Kanye ruined her VMAs.

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John Mayer
'Dear John', 'Superman', 'The story of us' and 'ours' were all written about John Mayer.

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The more real you get
The more real you get the more unreal the word gets. - John Lennon

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Trust takes years to build and seconds to shatter.

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Nobody can hurt you
Sometimes it's better to be alone.
Nobody can hurt you.

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Being weird
Be fucking proud of being weird.
You basic bitches can't compete.

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So whatever
In the end they'll judge me anyway so whatever.

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It doesn't matter
It doesn't matter is somebody's like good looking on the outside, if they're not on the inside like it's completely out the window. - Vanessa Hudgens

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You can never fail
As long as you stay true to yourself and do what makes you happy, you can never fail. - Vanessa Hudgens

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I try not pay attention
I try not pay attention because you can't really care about what other people think. - Vanessa Hudgens

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The saddest part of you
I hope one day you find someone who makes flowers grow in even the saddest parts of you.

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Who you really are
There is no reason to fear a judgment if you already know who you really are.

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Take me for who I am
Take me for who I am, not who I was. - Chris Brown

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Can you be my Jack
Can you be my Jack and I'll be your Rose?

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All I want
All I want is love, sleep and good music.

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Happens like you
Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will.

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To be broken
Rules are made to be broken.

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Be nice
Be nice to everyone,
alway smile and appreciate things
because it could all be gone tomorrow. - Ed Sheeran

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Cancer gets cancer
I hope cancer gets cancer and dies.

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Never chase love
Never chase love, affection or attention. If it isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worth having.

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Teachers who love teaching
Teachers who love teaching
teach children to love learning.

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It's okay to fall apart
The sky isn't always blue
the sun doesn't always shine
it's okay to fall apart sometimes.

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Letting go is less painful
When letting go is less painful than holding on, then you know it's time to move on.

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A real boyfriend
A real boyfriend isn't ashamed to kiss his girlfriend in public, brag about how in love he is and love her like she's never been loves.

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Force myself
You have no idea how hard it is to force myself to stop thinking about you, sometimes.

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When you really matter
When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuses, no lies and no broken promises.

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Less bullshit
Less people.
Less bullshit.

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All I want is to be enough
All I want is to be enough for you so don't tell me I'm not trying.

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I'm insane
Maybe, I'm insane.

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Everything will make perfect sense
Someday. Everything will make perfect sense, so for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

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The best days of our lives
What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.

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Your last name
I want your last name.

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TS fact
Once someone walked up to Taylor and said:"You look like Taylor Swift."
She responded by saying:"A lot of people tell me that."

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Why not hate Taylor
Why fucking not hate Taylor: because
- she writes songs helping girls get through high school
- she has never done drugs or smoke
- 1 charitable celebrity of 2012
- she wrote a song dedicated to bullying
- she has not changed her image for her fans
- she donated books to a school who couldn't afford it
- she made a song for a little boy with cancer
- she is called names but she has dated a normal number of 6 people
- she helped her old town after a hurricane damage

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People need to be more careful with their words
Taylor gets more hate than most all other celebrities out there at the time, I would say. People don't think about the fact that she does have feelings and she obviously isn't feeling as happy as she used to be. People need to be more careful with their words.

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She never gave up
Maybe not everyone likes her but anyone would be crazy not to respect Taylor. She worked hard to become famous. She sung at karaokees, bars and festivals, wrote her own songs every single day, and played her own guitar. She did it in the hard way and she never gave up. You go back to when you were 12 and try doing that, then come and tell me you have no respect for her.

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People see what they want to see
I hate it when people say things like "Taylor Swift should write a song called 'I'm the problem.'" Just what do they thinkg 'Back to december' is about? What does the line 'So shame on me now' in IKYWT mean to them? Or the 'I should have known' in 'Dear John'? It's all right there in the open, but unfortunately, people see what they want to see.

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If you love life
I have found that if you love life life will love you back.

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She is beautiful
No matter how many times you tell a girl that she is beautiful. She will never believe you if she doesn't believe in herself. - Katherine Beaulieu

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The bad news and the good news
The bad news is, people are crueler, meaner and more evil than you've ever imagined.
The good news is, people are more kinder, gentler and more loving than you've ever dreamed.

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Love you at your worst
If someone can love you at your worst, you know he/she will you at your best.

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