Sonntag, 2. August 2015
Forbidden dream
Ich hab heute von ihm geträumt. Ich dachte nach den letzten Partys hätte ich diese Anziehungen wieder gut ihm Griff, da ich auch viele neue Leute kennengelernt habe. Dadurch musste ich auch viel weniger an ihn denken. Okay, der Alkohol hat das auch beeinflusst, aber Fakt ist, dass ich heute mit einem Traum über ihn aufgewacht bin. Ich hab in letzter Zeit wirklich nicht viel an ihn gedacht - wieso also schleicht er sich in mein Unterbewusstsein und dann auch noch in einen Traum, an den ich mich erinnere?! Ich hasse das. Der Traum war nicht besonders spektakulär. Ich war in seinem Haus bzw seiner Wohnung (nicht dass ich wüsste wie die aussieht, aber selbst im Schlaf kennt mein Gehirn keine Grenzen, was Kreativität angeht). Vllt war es auch das Haus seiner Mum, ich glaube mich daran erinnern zu können, dass die auch da war. Ich war nicht alleine da. Einige Leute aus der Schule waren auch da. Und als er seine Hand des öfteren auf mein Knie gelegt hat, als wir auf der schwarzen Ledercouch saßen, musste uns natürlich Janita unterbrechen und er ist zu ihr an den Tisch, wo sie ihn mit irgendwas schulischem vollgelabert hat. Das ist absolut KEIN ZUFALL, dass es ausgerechnet sie war. Naja auf jeden Fall kam er dann kurz darauf zurück. Das letzte an was ich mich erinnern kann ist sein Lachen. Dann bin ich aufgewacht.
Ich frag mich echt wieso er. So toll ist er wirklich nicht. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass er mich oft in schwachen Situationen erwischt, in psychischen wie in physischen. Und in diesen Situationen sagt bzw tut er immer genau das was ich in solchen Momenten brauche. Das ist wirklich selten.
Ich bin froh, dass ich ihn jetzt eineinhalb Monate lang nicht seh. Die Welt ist groß, ebenso wie die Anzahl von Kerlen, die als Ablenkung dienen..oder als neues Abendteuer.

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I promised mom I would never get involved with drugs but that promise was brokes the first time I heard you laugh and saw your smile.

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I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a greaat fear of shallow living.

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I think that fire is an amazing thing, because no matter how many times I'm told it's dangerous, I still want to touch it.

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Break your heart by breaking her own
She is going to break your heart by breaking her own. You will be left with the pieces of both, but you will be alone.

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Daydreamer ~ Nightthinker
I am a daydreamer and a nightthinker.

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Never turn down your powers
You're not actually crazy. You're just very passionate. You want things to work out, you're loyal and care deeply about the people you care about. Passion is you superpower. Never turn down your powers.

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Trust no kings
Trust no kings. Kings put girls in towers. Trust your wings. For a girl with wings will soar past kings as they look up from towers. - atticus

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She loved the ocean
She loved the ocean because everytime the waves left the shore, they always came back.

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#imgfave #classic #books

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He counts the stars
He counts the stars and calls them all by name.

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Obsess with angels
I sit on clouds and obsess with angels when I should be obsessing on the fact I can fly. - atticus

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She had her own
He offered her the world. She said she had her own.

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Enjoy the sin
What if we were made to enjoy the sin?

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Breathing in dreams like stardust
She steps into the moonlight each night breathing in dreams like stardust. - n.r. hart

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Stay on your knees
No, I don't want my feet kissed. You just stay on your knees until I figure out what I'm going to do to you.

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Stars hide your fires
Stars hide your fires. Let no light see my black and deep desires. - William Shakespeare

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You're a diamond
You're a diamond but some men prefer rhinestones and that's okay.

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Glasses of wine
Age and glasses of wine should never be counted. - Italian Proverb

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Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can't breathe without them.

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Always been a storm
Never have I been a blue calm see. I have always been a storm. - Fleetwood Mae

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Work until your idols become your rivals.

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I long for my atoms to dance again with yours. - William C. Hannan

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50 Healthy Habits

#imgfave #hack

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Loving the ocean
It is hard to stop loving the ocean, even after it has left you gasping. - Sarah Kay

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There's so much to pray about.

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His mind was a libary
His mind was a libary and I wanted to read all its books until I realized they were all about her.

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Never crave the rose
But he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose.

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Dear Woman
Dear Woman,
sometimes you'll just be too much woman. Too smart, too beautiful, too strong, too much of something. That makes a man feel like less of a man, which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman.
The biggest mistake you can make is removing jewels from you crown to make it easier for a man to carry.
When this happens I need you to understand, you do not need a smaller crown - you need a man with bigger hands.

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People are oceans
But people are oceans, she shrugged. You cannot know them by their surface. - Beau Taplin ~ Surfaces

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A pair of bright eyes
You're just bones and a beating heart and a pair of bright eyes. How did you fuck me up so bad.

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Just look at the moon
And if you're ever feeling lonely just look at the moon.
Someone, somewhere is looking right at it, too.

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That's one of the great things about music. You sing a song to 85000 people and they'll sing it back for 85000 reasons.

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You're the sun and I'm the moon
Maybe you're the sun and I'm the moon and we were never meant to collide but wouldn't it be spectacular if we did? - ais

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The crazy would climb them
You put up walls so high that only the crazy would climb them to be with you. Well, here I am. -kk.meade

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